Photos have always been a HUGE part of my life. As most of us, 90’s kids can recall, I have vivid memories of my father and I going to Walgreens to have rolls of film developed, then waiting in the parking lot for an hour to receive the prints. I remember that excitement, that feeling, the process of start to finish. Then came the 2010’s and along came Instagram, iPhones, and Digicams, and the rest is history. From then on, photography became an extension of my soul, a way to express myself, all while documenting my life and the lives of those around me.

After high school, I joined the Marines, and the closer I got to the end of my enlistment, the more thought I had to put into what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. The choice wasn’t too difficult; the one true constant in life has always been photography, so that is exactly what I set out to be in a more professional sense.

I don’t know if I can consider myself anything more than a Documentary Photographer these days, for the simple reason being that, though I love street photography, and it is my bread and butter, I love all aspects of photography. Weddings, events, travel, landscape… I love it all. Just as I love all mediums available to take an image, from digital, 35mm film, to medium format. Everywhere I go, a camera is at my side, and I am ready to document it all.

Born and raised in Bakersfield, CA,